Survey results¶
Here we will analyze and visualize the survey data.
Initial setup¶
Install and load the needed libraries and the survey data.
In [ ]:
# List of packages to install
packages <- c("tidyverse", "syuzhet", "wordcloud", "tidytext", "readxl", "tm")
# Function to check and install packages if not already installed
install_if_missing <- function(p) {
if (!requireNamespace(p, quietly = TRUE)) {
# Install necessary packages
invisible(sapply(packages, install_if_missing))
# Load necessary libraries
library(tidyverse) # for data manipulation
library(syuzhet) # for sentiment analysis
library(wordcloud) # for word clouds
library(tidytext) # for text mining
library(readxl) # for reading excel files
library(tm) # for text mining
# Load the provided survey data
file_path <- "data/cleanSurveyData20240514.xlsx"
# this line can be repeated later to reset the data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
# Suppress warnings (this is fine)
options(warn = -1)
Show the column names + index number (survey questions)¶
In [ ]:
# Display the column names
[1] "ID" [2] "Start time" [3] "Completion time" [4] "Email" [5] "Do you consider yourself a professional or a hobbyist in game development?" [6] "Primary area of work?" [7] "Years of experience in game development?" [8] "Are you in a lead role?" [9] "Team size?" [10] "Overall stance on Generative AI?2" [11] "Which areas do you think are less<U+00A0>" [12] "Art & Assets" [13] "Level Design" [14] "Storytelling" [15] "Sound Design" [16] "Voice Overs & Acting" [17] "Programming" [18] "Game Design" [19] "Marketing & PR" [20] "Music" [21] "Community management" [22] "Initial prototyping" [23] "Do you use Generative AI in your work?" [24] "Was it your own idea to begin using Generative AI or your employers?" [25] "Efficiency?" [26] "Quality?" [27] "Enjoyment?" [28] "Do you think of the ability to use Generative AI as an actual and useful competence in your area of work?" [29] "Do your coworkers use Generative AI in their work?" [30] "Do your peers in the industry use Generative AI in their work?" [31] "Do you disclose your use of Generative AI internally?" [32] "Do you disclose your use of Generative AI externally?" [33] "Do you perceive any stigma associated with the use of Generative AI internally?" [34] "Do you perceive any stigma associated with the use of Generative AI externally?" [35] "Would you care to elaborate?5" [36] "Would you care to elaborate?4" [37] "It will help shorten development timelines" [38] "It will lead to more individualized gaming experiences" [39] "It will impact staffing decisions" [40] "It will lead to smaller team sizes" [41] "It will democratize game development" [42] "It will make it cheaper to develop games" [43] "It will lead to lower quality games" [44] "It will lead to better games" [45] "What do you think will be the most promising innovations from Generative AI in game development?" [46] "What do you think will be the most negative consequences of Generative AI in game development?" [47] "Statement 1" [48] "Statement 23" [49] "Question4" [50] "What would be your ideal future Generative AI driven tool, that could help you in your area of work?" [51] "Creativity?" [52] "Anything else we should know / feedback?"
Syntax note¶
From here on we will use the index numbers to refer to the questions.
To return the contents of the fifth column "Do you consider yourself a professional or a hobbyist in game development?"
data[5] # Returns a data frame with the fifth column
data[[5]] # Returns the raw contents of the fifth column
Count of Professionals vs. Hobbyists¶
Here we'll access column [5] "Do you consider yourself a professional or a hobbyist in game development?"
In [ ]:
# Print the count of professionals vs. hobbyists
# Plotting the count of professionals vs. hobbyists
aes(x = Var1, y = Freq, fill = Var1)
) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
title = "Professionals vs. Hobbyists",
x = "Type",
y = "Count"
Hobbyist Professional 200 107
Primary area of work¶
Here it's column [6] "Primary area of work?"
In [ ]:
# Show the distribution of 'Primary area of work?' in number of respondents
primary_area_count <- table(data[6])
# Censor abusive language in [6]
names(primary_area_count)[6] <- "Censored"
# Print the raw count of respondents in each primary area of work
Art & Assets 35 Audio & Music 3 Auto body, lol 1 Defense 1 Design & Production 13 Censored 1 Generalist 10 Generalist (also solo developer) 125 I work a full-time job and do game dev as a hobby. 1 Marketing & PR 1 Project Lead, Programmer & Designer 1 Solo developer - I do everything 1 Technical & Programming 112 Travel & Customer Service 1 Whatever 1
Manual clean up of categories¶
In [ ]:
# Generalists
for (i in c(7, 9, 11, 12)) { # Combine the categories
primary_area_count[8] <- primary_area_count[8] + primary_area_count[i]
# Rename to Generalists
names(primary_area_count)[8] <- "Generalists"
# Other
for (i in c(3, 4, 6, 14)) { # Combine the categories
primary_area_count[15] <- primary_area_count[15] + primary_area_count[i]
# Rename to Other
names(primary_area_count)[15] <- "Other"
# Remove the categories that were combined
primary_area_count <- primary_area_count[-c(7, 9, 11, 12, 3, 4, 6, 14)]
# Output the cleaned up categories
Art & Assets Audio & Music Design & Production 35 3 13 Generalists Marketing & PR Technical & Programming 138 1 112 Other 5
Visualizing the data¶
In [ ]:
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Distribution of primary areas of work
labels = paste(names(primary_area_count), primary_area_count),
col = rainbow(length(primary_area_count)),
main = "Distribution of Primary Areas of Work"
# And as a dotchart
labels = paste(names(primary_area_count), primary_area_count),
col = rainbow(length(primary_area_count)),
main = "Distribution of Primary Areas of Work"
Art & Assets Audio & Music Design & Production 35 3 13 Generalists Marketing & PR Technical & Programming 138 1 112 Other 5
Distribution of Years of Experience¶
Here we're workin with column [7] "Years of experience in game development?"
In [ ]:
# Define the correct order for the levels
year_levels <- c(
"0-1 years",
"2-4 years",
"5-9 years",
"10-14 years",
"15-19 years",
"20 years or more"
# Convert the Years of experience column to a factor with specified levels
data[[7]] <- factor(data[[7]], levels = year_levels)
# Filter out 'Unknown' values
filtered_data <- data[![[7]]), ]
# Descriptive analysis: Distribution of years of experience
experience_distribution <- table(filtered_data[[7]])
# Plotting the distribution of years of experience
aes(x = Var1, y = Freq, fill = Var1)
) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
title = "Years of experience in game development?",
x = "Experience",
y = "Count"
Overall Stance on Generative AI¶
In [ ]:
# Define the correct order for the levels
stance_levels <- c(
"Very negative",
"Very positive"
# Convert the 'Overall stance on Generative AI?2'
# column to a factor with specified levels
data[[10]] <- factor(data[[10]], levels = stance_levels)
# Exclude 'Unknown' values
filtered_data <- data[![[10]]), ]
# Descriptive analysis: Overall stance on Generative AI
stance_distribution <- table(filtered_data[[10]])
# Plotting the overall stance on Generative AI
aes(x = Var1, y = Freq, fill = Var1)
) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
labs(title = "Overall Stance on Generative AI", x = "Stance", y = "Count")
Correlation Analysis¶
In [ ]:
# Convert categorical data to numeric for correlation analysis
data_numeric <- data %>%
YearsExperience = case_when(
.[[7]] == "0-1 years" ~ 1,
.[[7]] == "2-4 years" ~ 2,
.[[7]] == "5-9 years" ~ 3,
.[[7]] == "10-14 years" ~ 4,
.[[7]] == "15-19 years" ~ 5,
.[[7]] == "20 years or more" ~ 6,
TRUE ~ 0
StanceOnGenAI = case_when(
.[[10]] == "Very positive" ~ 5,
.[[10]] == "Positive" ~ 4,
.[[10]] == "Neutral" ~ 3,
.[[10]] == "Negative" ~ 2,
.[[10]] == "Very negative" ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0
# Calculate correlation
correlation <- cor(
method = "spearman",
use = "complete.obs"
[1] -0.08107992
In [ ]:
# Definer niveauerne for erfaring i industrien
year_levels <- c(
"0-1 years",
"2-4 years",
"5-9 years",
"10-14 years",
"15-19 years",
"20 years or more"
# Definer niveauerne for holdninger til generativ AI
stance_levels <- c(
"Very negative",
"Very positive"
# Konverter kolonnerne til passende formater
data <- data %>%
YearsExperience = factor(`Years of experience in game development?`, levels = year_levels),
StanceOnGenAI = case_when(
`Overall stance on Generative AI?2` == "Very positive" ~ 5,
`Overall stance on Generative AI?2` == "Positive" ~ 4,
`Overall stance on Generative AI?2` == "Neutral" ~ 3,
`Overall stance on Generative AI?2` == "Negative" ~ 2,
`Overall stance on Generative AI?2` == "Very negative" ~ 1,
TRUE ~ 0
# Filtrer data for at fjerne 'Unknown' værdier
filtered_data <- data %>%
filter(! & StanceOnGenAI != 0)
# Udfør ANOVA-testen
anova_result <- aov(StanceOnGenAI ~ YearsExperience, data = filtered_data)
# Opsummering af ANOVA-resultaterne
# Udfør Kruskal-Wallis test som en ikke-parametrisk alternativ
kruskal_result <- kruskal.test(StanceOnGenAI ~ YearsExperience, data = filtered_data)
# Opsummering af Kruskal-Wallis test resultater
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) YearsExperience 5 4.11 0.823 0.397 0.85 Residuals 101 209.60 2.075
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test data: StanceOnGenAI by YearsExperience Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 1.8417, df = 5, p-value = 0.8706
Sentiment Analysis¶
"What do you think will be the most promising innovations from Generative AI in game development?"¶
In [ ]:
# Preprocess the text data
data[[45]] <- iconv(data[[45]], "latin1", "UTF-8") # Convert to UTF-8
data[[45]] <- tolower(data[[45]]) # Convert to lowercase
data[[45]] <- removePunctuation(data[[45]]) # Remove punctuation
data[[45]] <- removeNumbers(data[[45]]) # Remove numbers
data[[45]] <- removeWords(data[[45]], stopwords("smart")) # Remove stopwords
data[[45]] <- gsub("\\bgame\\b", "games", data[[45]]) # turn game into games
data[[45]] <- stripWhitespace(data[[45]]) # Remove extra whitespaces
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Create a wordcloud
colors = rainbow(10),
random.order = FALSE,
scale = c(5, 0.5),
max.words = 250
# Add a title to the wordcloud
title(main = "Most promising innovations from GenAI?")
# now withouth "games"
data[[45]] <- removeWords(data[[45]], "games")
colors = rainbow(10),
random.order = FALSE,
scale = c(4, 0.5),
max.words = 250
# Add a title to the wordcloud
title(main = "Most promising innovations from GenAI? (-games)")
"What do you think will be the most negative consequences of Generative AI in game development?"¶
In [ ]:
# wordcloud
# Preprocess the text data
data[[46]] <- iconv(data[[46]], "latin1", "UTF-8") # Convert to UTF-8
data[[46]] <- tolower(data[[46]]) # Convert to lowercase
data[[46]] <- removePunctuation(data[[46]]) # Remove punctuation
data[[46]] <- removeNumbers(data[[46]]) # Remove numbers
data[[46]] <- removeWords(data[[46]], stopwords("smart")) # Remove stopwords
data[[46]] <- gsub("\\bgame\\b", "games", data[[46]]) # turn game into games
data[[46]] <- stripWhitespace(data[[46]]) # Remove extra whitespaces
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Create a wordcloud
colors = rainbow(10),
random.order = FALSE,
scale = c(6, 0.5),
max.words = 250
# Add a title to the wordcloud
title(main = "Most negative consequences from GenAI?")
# now withouth "games"
data[[46]] <- removeWords(data[[46]], "games")
colors = rainbow(10),
random.order = FALSE,
scale = c(6, 0.5),
max.words = 250
# Add a title to the wordcloud
title(main = "Most negative consequences from GenAI? (-games)")
In [ ]:
# Extract open-ended responses
open_ended_responses <- data[[45]]
# Perform sentiment analysis
sentiment_scores_0 <- get_nrc_sentiment(open_ended_responses)
# Summarize sentiment scores
sentiment_summary_0 <- colSums(sentiment_scores_0)
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Plot sentiment scores
las = 2,
col = rainbow(10),
main = "Sentiment Analysis of most promising inovations from genAI?"
anger anticipation disgust fear joy sadness 23 87 22 28 85 48 surprise trust negative positive 63 100 66 234
In [ ]:
# Extract open-ended responses
open_ended_responses <- data[[46]]
# Perform sentiment analysis
sentiment_scores_1 <- get_nrc_sentiment(open_ended_responses)
# Summarize sentiment scores
sentiment_summary_1 <- colSums(sentiment_scores_1)
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Plot sentiment scores
las = 2,
col = rainbow(10),
main = "Sentiment Analysis of most negative consequences from genAI?"
anger anticipation disgust fear joy sadness 89 143 71 107 119 147 surprise trust negative positive 83 137 226 329
In [ ]:
# Extract open-ended responses
open_ended_responses <- data[[50]]
# Perform sentiment analysis
sentiment_scores_2 <- get_nrc_sentiment(open_ended_responses)
# Summarize sentiment scores
sentiment_summary_2 <- colSums(sentiment_scores_2)
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Plot sentiment scores
las = 2,
col = rainbow(10),
main = "Sentiment Analysis of ideal future genAI driven tool?"
anger anticipation disgust fear joy sadness 24 96 25 36 94 56 surprise trust negative positive 42 117 75 276
In [ ]:
# Extract open-ended responses
open_ended_responses <- data[[52]]
# Perform sentiment analysis
sentiment_scores_3 <- get_nrc_sentiment(open_ended_responses)
# Summarize sentiment scores
sentiment_summary_3 <- colSums(sentiment_scores_3)
par(bg = "white") # White background
# Plot sentiment scores
las = 2,
col = rainbow(10),
main = "Sentiment Analysis of 'Anything else we should know?'"
anger anticipation disgust fear joy sadness 23 59 26 32 43 44 surprise trust negative positive 29 74 58 145
Group Comparisons¶
In [ ]:
# Define the correct order for the levels
stance_levels <- c(
"Very negative",
"Very positive"
# Convert the 'Overall stance on GenAI' column to a factor with specified levels
data[[10]] <- factor(data[[10]], levels = stance_levels)
# Convert categorical data to numeric for stance on Generative AI
data <- data %>%
StanceOnGenAI = case_when(
.[[10]] == "Very positive" ~ 5,
.[[10]] == "Positive" ~ 4,
.[[10]] == "Neutral" ~ 3,
.[[10]] == "Negative" ~ 2,
.[[10]] == "Very negative" ~ 1,
TRUE ~ NA_real_
# Filter data for professionals and hobbyists
professionals <- data %>% filter(data[[5]] == "Professional")
hobbyists <- data %>% filter(data[[5]] == "Hobbyist")
# Calculate average stance on Generative AI
avg_stance_professionals <- mean(professionals$StanceOnGenAI, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_stance_hobbyists <- mean(hobbyists$StanceOnGenAI, na.rm = TRUE)
"Average stance on GenAI for professionals:",
"Average stance on GenAI for hobbyists:",
# Perform a t-test to compare the average stance
# on Generative AI between professionals and hobbyists
t_test_result <- t.test(
alternative = "two.sided",
mu = 0,
conf.level = 0.95
# Print the t-test results
# visualize the t-test results
ggplot() +
aes(x = professionals$StanceOnGenAI, fill = "Professionals"),
alpha = 0.5
) +
aes(x = hobbyists$StanceOnGenAI, fill = "Hobbyists"),
alpha = 0.5
) +
xintercept = t_test_result$estimate,
) +
title = "Distribution of Stance on Generative AI",
x = "Stance on Generative AI",
y = "Density"
[1] "Average stance on GenAI for professionals: 2.5981308411215" [1] "Average stance on GenAI for hobbyists: 2.795" Welch Two Sample t-test data: professionals$StanceOnGenAI and hobbyists$StanceOnGenAI t = -1.1712, df = 210.38, p-value = 0.2428 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.5282309 0.1344926 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 2.598131 2.795000
Stance on Generative AI vs. Years of Experience¶
We'll be working with [7] "Years of experience in game development?" and [10] "Overall stance on Generative AI?2"
In [ ]:
# Factorize the 'Years of experience' and 'Stance on GenAI' columns
data <- data %>%
ExperienceGroup = factor(data[[7]]),
StanceOnGenAI = as.numeric(data[[10]])
In [ ]:
# Boxplot for Stance on GenAI vs. Experience Group
data, aes(
x = ExperienceGroup,
y = StanceOnGenAI,
fill = ExperienceGroup
) +
geom_boxplot() +
title = "Stance on Generative AI vs. Years of Experience",
x = "Years of Experience",
y = "Stance on Generative AI"
In [ ]:
# ANOVA test for Stance on GenAI vs. Experience Group
anova_result <- aov(StanceOnGenAI ~ ExperienceGroup, data = data)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ExperienceGroup 5 4.11 0.823 0.397 0.85 Residuals 101 209.60 2.075 200 observations deleted due to missingness
Main area of work VS Stance on GenAI¶
Here it's [6] "Primary area of work?" and [10] "Overall stance on Generative AI?2"
In [ ]:
# Konverter relevante kolonner til faktorer
data <- data %>%
UsesGenAI = factor(`Do you use Generative AI in your work?`),
StanceOnGenAI = as.numeric(`Overall stance on Generative AI?2`)
# Boxplot for Stance on GenAI vs. Uses GenAI
ggplot(data, aes(x = UsesGenAI, y = StanceOnGenAI, fill = UsesGenAI)) +
geom_boxplot() +
title = "Stance on Generative AI vs. Uses Generative AI",
x = "Uses Generative AI",
y = "Stance on Generative AI"
# T-test for Stance on GenAI vs. Uses GenAI
t_test_result <- t.test(StanceOnGenAI ~ UsesGenAI, data = data)
Welch Two Sample t-test data: StanceOnGenAI by UsesGenAI t = -12.196, df = 251.95, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -1.891231 -1.365338 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 2.100529 3.728814
Users vs non-users of GenAI in different areas¶
In [ ]:
# Define the levels for the factor
agree_levels <- c(
"Strongly disagree",
"Strongly agree"
In [ ]:
# Convert relevant columns to numeric
data <- data %>%
UsesGenAI = factor(`Do you use Generative AI in your work?`),
ShortenTimelines = as.numeric(factor(
`It will help shorten development timelines`,
IndividualizedExperiences = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to more individualized gaming experiences`,
ImpactStaffing = as.numeric(factor(
`It will impact staffing decisions`,
SmallerTeams = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to smaller team sizes`,
DemocratizeDevelopment = as.numeric(factor(
`It will democratize game development`,
CheaperDevelopment = as.numeric(factor(
`It will make it cheaper to develop games`,
LowerQuality = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to lower quality games`,
BetterGames = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to better games`,
# Calculate mean responses for each question grouped by UsesGenAI
mean_responses <- data %>%
group_by(UsesGenAI) %>%
MeanShortenTimelines = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanIndividualizedExperiences = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanImpactStaffing = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanSmallerTeams = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanDemocratizeDevelopment = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanCheaperDevelopment = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanLowerQuality = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanBetterGames = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
# Pivot the data to a long format for plotting
data_long <- data %>%
cols = starts_with("ShortenTimelines"):starts_with("BetterGames"),
names_to = "Question",
values_to = "Response"
# Improve the plot layout and labels
ggplot(data_long, aes(x = UsesGenAI, y = Response, fill = UsesGenAI)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_wrap(~Question, scales = "free_y", ncol = 2) +
title = "Comparison of Perceptions by Generative AI Usage",
x = "Uses Generative AI",
y = "Response (1=Strongly Disagree, 5=Strongly Agree)",
fill = "Uses Generative AI"
UsesGenAI | MeanShortenTimelines | MeanIndividualizedExperiences | MeanImpactStaffing | MeanSmallerTeams | MeanDemocratizeDevelopment | MeanCheaperDevelopment | MeanLowerQuality | MeanBetterGames |
<fct> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
No | 2.851852 | 2.137566 | 4.121693 | 3.328042 | 1.746032 | 2.671958 | 4.417989 | 1.809524 |
Yes | 4.008475 | 3.364407 | 3.991525 | 3.508475 | 3.076271 | 3.635593 | 3.652542 | 3.127119 |
In [ ]:
# Perform t-tests for each question
t_test_results <- list()
questions <- c(
for (question in questions) {
t_test_result <- t.test(get(question) ~ UsesGenAI, data = data)
t_test_results[[question]] <- t_test_result
# Print t-test results
for (question in questions) {
print(paste("T-test for", question))
[1] "T-test for ShortenTimelines" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = -9.3595, df = 295.77, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -1.3998252 -0.9134202 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 2.851852 4.008475 [1] "T-test for IndividualizedExperiences" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = -8.3172, df = 253.16, p-value = 5.597e-15 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -1.5173360 -0.9363453 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 2.137566 3.364407 [1] "T-test for ImpactStaffing" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = 1.1843, df = 278.51, p-value = 0.2373 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.0861925 0.3465279 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 4.121693 3.991525 [1] "T-test for SmallerTeams" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = -1.3938, df = 278.46, p-value = 0.1645 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.43527137 0.07440687 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 3.328042 3.508475 [1] "T-test for DemocratizeDevelopment" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = -9.1581, df = 194.75, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -1.616711 -1.043767 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 1.746032 3.076271 [1] "T-test for CheaperDevelopment" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = -6.4659, df = 260.41, p-value = 4.944e-10 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -1.2570992 -0.6701719 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 2.671958 3.635593 [1] "T-test for LowerQuality" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = 6.0497, df = 225.21, p-value = 5.988e-09 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.5161216 1.0147725 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 4.417989 3.652542 [1] "T-test for BetterGames" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by UsesGenAI t = -9.8995, df = 237.71, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -1.579796 -1.055393 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 1.809524 3.127119
In [ ]:
# Custom function to convert columns to numeric factor levels
convert_to_numeric <- function(column, levels) {
as.numeric(factor(column, levels = levels))
# Convert relevant columns to factors and numeric
data <- data %>%
LeadRole = ifelse(`Are you in a lead role?`),
"Hobbyist", as.character(`Are you in a lead role?`)
LeadRole = factor(LeadRole, levels = c("No", "Yes", "Hobbyist")),
ShortenTimelines = convert_to_numeric(
`It will help shorten development timelines`,
IndividualizedExperiences = convert_to_numeric(
`It will lead to more individualized gaming experiences`,
ImpactStaffing = convert_to_numeric(
`It will impact staffing decisions`,
SmallerTeams = convert_to_numeric(
`It will lead to smaller team sizes`,
DemocratizeDevelopment = convert_to_numeric(
`It will democratize game development`,
CheaperDevelopment = convert_to_numeric(
`It will make it cheaper to develop games`,
LowerQuality = convert_to_numeric(
`It will lead to lower quality games`,
BetterGames = convert_to_numeric(
`It will lead to better games`,
# Calculate mean responses for each question grouped by LeadRole
mean_responses_lead <- data %>%
group_by(LeadRole) %>%
MeanShortenTimelines = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanIndividualizedExperiences = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanImpactStaffing = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanSmallerTeams = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanDemocratizeDevelopment = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanCheaperDevelopment = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanLowerQuality = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
MeanBetterGames = mean(
na.rm = TRUE
# Pivot the data to a long format for plotting
data_long_lead <- data %>%
cols = ShortenTimelines:BetterGames,
names_to = "Question",
values_to = "Response"
# Plot each question in a facet grid
ggplot(data_long_lead, aes(x = LeadRole, y = Response, fill = LeadRole)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_wrap(~Question, scales = "free_y", ncol = 2) +
title = "Comparison of Perceptions by Lead Role",
x = "Lead Role",
y = "Response (1=Strongly Disagree, 5=Strongly Agree)",
fill = "Lead Role"
# A tibble: 3 x 9 LeadRole MeanShortenTimelines MeanIndividualizedExperiences MeanImpactStaffing <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 No 3.36 2.89 4.20 2 Yes 3.14 2.32 3.86 3 Hobbyist 3.33 2.64 4.11 # i 5 more variables: MeanSmallerTeams <dbl>, MeanDemocratizeDevelopment <dbl>, # MeanCheaperDevelopment <dbl>, MeanLowerQuality <dbl>, MeanBetterGames <dbl>
In [ ]:
# Filter out hobbyists for the t-tests
data_filtered <- data %>%
filter(LeadRole %in% c("No", "Yes"))
# Perform t-tests for each question
t_test_results <- list()
questions <- c(
for (question in questions) {
t_test_result <- t.test(get(question) ~ LeadRole, data = data_filtered)
t_test_results[[question]] <- t_test_result
# Print t-test results
for (question in questions) {
print(paste("T-test for", question))
[1] "T-test for ShortenTimelines" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = 0.90523, df = 92.772, p-value = 0.3677 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.2635614 0.7051199 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 3.363636 3.142857 [1] "T-test for IndividualizedExperiences" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = 2.2615, df = 90.679, p-value = 0.02612 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 0.06918259 1.06862405 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 2.886364 2.317460 [1] "T-test for ImpactStaffing" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = 1.7029, df = 101.76, p-value = 0.09163 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.05724882 0.75205402 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 4.204545 3.857143 [1] "T-test for SmallerTeams" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = 0.57107, df = 87.702, p-value = 0.5694 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.3453515 0.6238507 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 3.409091 3.269841 [1] "T-test for DemocratizeDevelopment" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = -0.63141, df = 97.143, p-value = 0.5293 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.6486929 0.3355615 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 1.954545 2.111111 [1] "T-test for CheaperDevelopment" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = 0.35169, df = 94.569, p-value = 0.7259 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.4323495 0.6184967 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 3.045455 2.952381 [1] "T-test for LowerQuality" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = -0.67785, df = 91.141, p-value = 0.4996 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.5784907 0.2841184 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 4.090909 4.238095 [1] "T-test for BetterGames" Welch Two Sample t-test data: get(question) by LeadRole t = 0.5885, df = 89.019, p-value = 0.5577 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group No and group Yes is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -0.3351935 0.6173003 sample estimates: mean in group No mean in group Yes 2.204545 2.063492
In [ ]:
# Convert relevant columns to factors and numeric, and filter out hobbyists
data <- data %>%
TeamSize = factor(
`Team size?`,
levels = c(
ShortenTimelines = as.numeric(factor(
`It will help shorten development timelines`,
IndividualizedExperiences = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to more individualized gaming experiences`,
ImpactStaffing = as.numeric(factor(
`It will impact staffing decisions`,
SmallerTeams = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to smaller team sizes`,
DemocratizeDevelopment = as.numeric(factor(
`It will democratize game development`,
CheaperDevelopment = as.numeric(factor(
`It will make it cheaper to develop games`,
LowerQuality = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to lower quality games`,
BetterGames = as.numeric(factor(
`It will lead to better games`,
) %>%
# Perform ANOVA for each question
anova_results <- list()
questions <- c(
for (question in questions) {
anova_result <- aov(get(question) ~ TeamSize, data = data)
anova_results[[question]] <- summary(anova_result)
# Print ANOVA results
for (question in questions) {
print(paste("ANOVA for", question))
# Pivot the data to a long format for plotting
data_long_team <- data %>%
cols = starts_with("ShortenTimelines"):starts_with("BetterGames"),
names_to = "Question",
values_to = "Response"
# Plot each question in a facet grid
ggplot(data_long_team, aes(x = TeamSize, y = Response, fill = TeamSize)) +
geom_boxplot() +
facet_wrap(~Question, scales = "free_y", ncol = 2) +
title = "Comparison of Perceptions by Team Size",
x = "Team Size",
y = "Response (1=Strongly Disagree, 5=Strongly Agree)",
fill = "Team Size"
[1] "ANOVA for ShortenTimelines" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 7.83 1.566 1.019 0.411 Residuals 101 155.33 1.538 [1] "ANOVA for IndividualizedExperiences" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 12.56 2.512 1.529 0.187 Residuals 101 165.91 1.643 [1] "ANOVA for ImpactStaffing" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 9.38 1.876 1.653 0.153 Residuals 101 114.62 1.135 [1] "ANOVA for SmallerTeams" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 12.69 2.538 1.769 0.126 Residuals 101 144.86 1.434 [1] "ANOVA for DemocratizeDevelopment" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 9.87 1.975 1.225 0.303 Residuals 101 162.89 1.613 [1] "ANOVA for CheaperDevelopment" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 6.94 1.389 0.754 0.585 Residuals 101 186.05 1.842 [1] "ANOVA for LowerQuality" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 21.07 4.214 3.994 0.00239 ** Residuals 101 106.56 1.055 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 [1] "ANOVA for BetterGames" Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) TeamSize 5 13.26 2.652 1.911 0.099 . Residuals 101 140.16 1.388 --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
How useful GenAI are in different areas¶
Prepare data¶
In [ ]:
# Define usefulness columns
usefulness_columns <- c(
"Art & Assets",
"Level Design",
"Sound Design",
"Voice Overs & Acting",
"Game Design",
"Marketing & PR",
"Community management",
"Initial prototyping"
# Convert usefulness columns to factors with specific levels
data <- data %>%
~ factor(., levels = c(
"Not useful",
"Somewhat useful",
"Very useful"
# Map categorical responses to numeric values
usefulness_mapping <- c(
"Not useful" = 1,
"Somewhat useful" = 2,
"Very useful" = 3
data <- data %>%
~ usefulness_mapping[as.character(.)]
Calculate Average Usefulness Scores¶
In [ ]:
# Calculate mean usefulness scores for each area using updated syntax
mean_usefulness_scores <- data %>%
\(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
)) %>%
cols = everything(),
names_to = "Area",
values_to = "MeanScore"
# Print mean usefulness scores to check for anomalies
# A tibble: 11 x 2 Area MeanScore <chr> <dbl> 1 Art & Assets 1.83 2 Level Design 1.39 3 Storytelling 1.52 4 Sound Design 1.44 5 Voice Overs & Acting 1.66 6 Programming 1.93 7 Game Design 1.28 8 Marketing & PR 1.51 9 Music 1.35 10 Community management 1.35 11 Initial prototyping 1.91
In [ ]:
# Bar plot of average usefulness scores with y-axis fixed
aes(x = reorder(Area, -MeanScore), y = MeanScore, fill = Area)
) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
title = "Average Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI in Different Areas",
x = "Area",
y = "Mean Usefulness Score (1=Not useful, 2=Somewhat useful, 3=Very useful)"
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI in Different Areas by Lead Role¶
In [ ]:
# Ensure the lead role column is correctly labeled
data <- data %>%
mutate(LeadRole = factor(
levels = c("Yes", "No")
# Remove rows with all NA values in usefulness columns
data <- data %>%
filter(rowSums(!, all_of(usefulness_columns)))) > 0)
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
usefulness_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(usefulness_columns),
names_to = "Area",
values_to = "UsefulnessScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in UsefulnessScore or LeadRole
usefulness_long <- usefulness_long %>%
# Calculate mean and standard error for each group
usefulness_summary <- usefulness_long %>%
group_by(Area, LeadRole) %>%
MeanScore = mean(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n())
# Bar plot with error bars side by side
ggplot(usefulness_summary, aes(
x = Area,
y = MeanScore,
fill = LeadRole
)) +
stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
ymin = MeanScore - SE,
ymax = MeanScore + SE
width = 0.2,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI
in Different Areas by Lead Role",
x = "Area",
y = "Mean Usefulness Score:
1 = Not useful
2 = Somewhat useful
3 = Very useful"
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'Area'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI in Different Areas by Professional or hobbyist¶
In [ ]:
# Reset to source data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
data <- data %>%
~ usefulness_mapping[as.character(.)]
# Ensure the role column is correctly labeled
data <- data %>%
mutate(Role = factor(
levels = c("Professional", "Hobbyist")
# Remove rows with all NA values in usefulness columns
data <- data %>%
filter(rowSums(!, all_of(usefulness_columns)))) > 0)
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
usefulness_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(usefulness_columns),
names_to = "Area",
values_to = "UsefulnessScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in UsefulnessScore or Role
usefulness_long <- usefulness_long %>%
filter(!, !
# Calculate mean and standard error for each group
usefulness_summary <- usefulness_long %>%
group_by(Area, Role) %>%
MeanScore = mean(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
.groups = "drop" # Explicitly drop the grouping
# Bar plot with error bars side by side
ggplot(usefulness_summary, aes(
x = Area,
y = MeanScore,
fill = Role
)) +
stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
ymin = MeanScore - SE,
ymax = MeanScore + SE
width = 0.2,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI
in Different Areas by Role",
x = "Area",
y = "Mean Usefulness Score
1 = Not useful
2 = Somewhat useful
3 = Very useful"
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# Print summary
Area | Role | MeanScore | SE |
<chr> | <fct> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Art & Assets | Professional | 1.831776 | 0.06961868 |
Art & Assets | Hobbyist | 1.945000 | 0.05314127 |
Community management | Professional | 1.345794 | 0.05953858 |
Community management | Hobbyist | 1.270000 | 0.03928379 |
Game Design | Professional | 1.280374 | 0.05107622 |
Game Design | Hobbyist | 1.305000 | 0.03959436 |
Initial prototyping | Professional | 1.906542 | 0.07456771 |
Initial prototyping | Hobbyist | 1.930000 | 0.05559636 |
Level Design | Professional | 1.392523 | 0.05902429 |
Level Design | Hobbyist | 1.385000 | 0.04351255 |
Marketing & PR | Professional | 1.514019 | 0.06818358 |
Marketing & PR | Hobbyist | 1.505000 | 0.04962042 |
Music | Professional | 1.345794 | 0.05491662 |
Music | Hobbyist | 1.400000 | 0.04594075 |
Programming | Professional | 1.925234 | 0.06989038 |
Programming | Hobbyist | 1.960000 | 0.05391227 |
Sound Design | Professional | 1.439252 | 0.06110943 |
Sound Design | Hobbyist | 1.395000 | 0.04642901 |
Storytelling | Professional | 1.523364 | 0.06685334 |
Storytelling | Hobbyist | 1.575000 | 0.04778380 |
Voice Overs & Acting | Professional | 1.663551 | 0.07144122 |
Voice Overs & Acting | Hobbyist | 1.670000 | 0.05496001 |
Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI in Different Areas by Usage¶
In [ ]:
# Reset to source data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
data <- data %>%
~ usefulness_mapping[as.character(.)]
# Ensure the usage of Generative AI column is correctly labeled
data <- data %>%
mutate(UsesGenAI = factor(
levels = c("Yes", "No")
# Remove rows with all NA values in usefulness columns
data <- data %>%
filter(rowSums(!, all_of(usefulness_columns)))) > 0)
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
usefulness_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(usefulness_columns),
names_to = "Area",
values_to = "UsefulnessScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in UsefulnessScore or UsesGenAI
usefulness_long <- usefulness_long %>%
filter(!, !
# Calculate mean and standard error for each group
usefulness_summary <- usefulness_long %>%
group_by(Area, UsesGenAI) %>%
MeanScore = mean(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
.groups = "drop"
# Bar plot with error bars side by side
ggplot(usefulness_summary, aes(
x = Area,
y = MeanScore,
fill = UsesGenAI
)) +
stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
ymin = MeanScore - SE,
ymax = MeanScore + SE
width = 0.2,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI
in Different Areas by Usage",
x = "Area",
y = "Mean Usefulness Score
1 = Not useful
2 = Somewhat useful
3 = Very useful"
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# Calculate mean and standard error for each group
usefulness_summary <- usefulness_long %>%
group_by(Area, UsesGenAI) %>%
MeanScore = mean(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
.groups = "drop"
# Print the summarized data
Area | UsesGenAI | MeanScore | SE |
<chr> | <fct> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Art & Assets | Yes | 2.313559 | 0.06334529 |
Art & Assets | No | 1.650794 | 0.04773149 |
Community management | Yes | 1.398305 | 0.06034791 |
Community management | No | 1.232804 | 0.03742102 |
Game Design | Yes | 1.576271 | 0.06184987 |
Game Design | No | 1.121693 | 0.02609801 |
Initial prototyping | Yes | 2.296610 | 0.06734694 |
Initial prototyping | No | 1.687831 | 0.05213607 |
Level Design | Yes | 1.627119 | 0.06345663 |
Level Design | No | 1.238095 | 0.03686375 |
Marketing & PR | Yes | 1.745763 | 0.07037331 |
Marketing & PR | No | 1.359788 | 0.04486913 |
Music | Yes | 1.601695 | 0.06716441 |
Music | No | 1.243386 | 0.03629382 |
Programming | Yes | 2.372881 | 0.06113112 |
Programming | No | 1.682540 | 0.04889652 |
Sound Design | Yes | 1.610169 | 0.06917688 |
Sound Design | No | 1.285714 | 0.03918978 |
Storytelling | Yes | 1.906780 | 0.06480147 |
Storytelling | No | 1.338624 | 0.04120499 |
Voice Overs & Acting | Yes | 1.966102 | 0.07314484 |
Voice Overs & Acting | No | 1.481481 | 0.04953493 |
Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI in Different Areas by Internal Stigma Perception¶
In [ ]:
# Reset to source data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
data <- data %>%
~ usefulness_mapping[as.character(.)]
# Ensure the stigma column is correctly labeled
data <- data %>%
mutate(StigmaGenAI = factor(
levels = c("Yes", "No")
# Remove rows with all NA values in usefulness columns
data <- data %>%
filter(rowSums(!, all_of(usefulness_columns)))) > 0)
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
usefulness_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(usefulness_columns),
names_to = "Area",
values_to = "UsefulnessScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in UsefulnessScore or StigmaGenAI
usefulness_long <- usefulness_long %>%
filter(!, !
# Calculate mean and standard error for each group
usefulness_summary <- usefulness_long %>%
group_by(Area, StigmaGenAI) %>%
MeanScore = mean(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
.groups = "drop"
# Bar plot with error bars side by side
ggplot(usefulness_summary, aes(
x = Area,
y = MeanScore,
fill = StigmaGenAI
)) +
stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
ymin = MeanScore - SE,
ymax = MeanScore + SE
width = 0.2,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI
in Different Areas by Internal Stigma Perception",
x = "Area",
y = "Mean Usefulness Score
1 = Not useful
2 = Somewhat useful
3 = Very useful"
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# Print the usefulness summary to get results in text form
Area | StigmaGenAI | MeanScore | SE |
<chr> | <fct> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Art & Assets | Yes | 1.659420 | 0.06213554 |
Art & Assets | No | 2.106509 | 0.05310944 |
Community management | Yes | 1.224638 | 0.04365861 |
Community management | No | 1.355030 | 0.04773624 |
Game Design | Yes | 1.217391 | 0.04080426 |
Game Design | No | 1.360947 | 0.04557878 |
Initial prototyping | Yes | 1.724638 | 0.06404018 |
Initial prototyping | No | 2.082840 | 0.05900229 |
Level Design | Yes | 1.282609 | 0.04712077 |
Level Design | No | 1.473373 | 0.04969978 |
Marketing & PR | Yes | 1.405797 | 0.05504072 |
Marketing & PR | No | 1.591716 | 0.05656045 |
Music | Yes | 1.326087 | 0.04950089 |
Music | No | 1.426036 | 0.05012152 |
Programming | Yes | 1.826087 | 0.06333000 |
Programming | No | 2.047337 | 0.05680679 |
Sound Design | Yes | 1.347826 | 0.05209275 |
Sound Design | No | 1.461538 | 0.05173790 |
Storytelling | Yes | 1.398551 | 0.05298640 |
Storytelling | No | 1.686391 | 0.05386535 |
Voice Overs & Acting | Yes | 1.630435 | 0.06511152 |
Voice Overs & Acting | No | 1.698225 | 0.05863379 |
Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI in Different Areas by External Stigma Perception¶
In [ ]:
# Reset to source data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
data <- data %>%
~ usefulness_mapping[as.character(.)]
# Ensure the external stigma column is correctly labeled
data <- data %>%
mutate(ExternalStigmaGenAI = factor(
levels = c("Yes", "No")
# Remove rows with all NA values in usefulness columns
data <- data %>%
filter(rowSums(!, all_of(usefulness_columns)))) > 0)
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
usefulness_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(usefulness_columns),
names_to = "Area",
values_to = "UsefulnessScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in UsefulnessScore or ExternalStigmaGenAI
usefulness_long <- usefulness_long %>%
filter(!, !
# Calculate mean and standard error for each group
usefulness_summary <- usefulness_long %>%
group_by(Area, ExternalStigmaGenAI) %>%
MeanScore = mean(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(UsefulnessScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
.groups = "drop"
# Bar plot with error bars side by side
x = Area,
y = MeanScore,
fill = ExternalStigmaGenAI
) +
stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
ymin = MeanScore - SE,
ymax = MeanScore + SE
width = 0.2,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Perceived Usefulness of Generative AI
in Different Areas by External Stigma Perception",
x = "Area",
y = "Mean Usefulness Score
1 = Not useful
2 = Somewhat useful
3 = Very useful"
) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# Print the usefulness summary to get results in text form
Area | ExternalStigmaGenAI | MeanScore | SE |
<chr> | <fct> | <dbl> | <dbl> |
Art & Assets | Yes | 1.886555 | 0.04762504 |
Art & Assets | No | 1.971014 | 0.09226480 |
Community management | Yes | 1.256303 | 0.03506786 |
Community management | No | 1.434783 | 0.08122638 |
Game Design | Yes | 1.239496 | 0.03243718 |
Game Design | No | 1.492754 | 0.07895089 |
Initial prototyping | Yes | 1.869748 | 0.04963473 |
Initial prototyping | No | 2.101449 | 0.09715678 |
Level Design | Yes | 1.352941 | 0.03679173 |
Level Design | No | 1.507246 | 0.08909699 |
Marketing & PR | Yes | 1.470588 | 0.04320554 |
Marketing & PR | No | 1.637681 | 0.09677453 |
Music | Yes | 1.386555 | 0.04004150 |
Music | No | 1.362319 | 0.07717026 |
Programming | Yes | 1.932773 | 0.04743620 |
Programming | No | 2.000000 | 0.09683834 |
Sound Design | Yes | 1.411765 | 0.04117875 |
Sound Design | No | 1.405797 | 0.08340280 |
Storytelling | Yes | 1.512605 | 0.04282804 |
Storytelling | No | 1.710145 | 0.08784007 |
Voice Overs & Acting | Yes | 1.684874 | 0.05006211 |
Voice Overs & Acting | No | 1.608696 | 0.08812093 |
Some questions about how your use of Generative AI impact different areas of your work?¶
Impact of Generative AI on Different Areas of Work¶
In [ ]:
# Reset to source data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
# Define impact columns
impact_columns <- c("Efficiency?", "Quality?", "Enjoyment?", "Creativity?")
# Convert impact columns to factors with specific levels
data <- data %>%
mutate(across(all_of(impact_columns), ~ factor(., levels = c(
"Much lower", "Lower", "Neutral", "Higher", "Much Higher"
# Map categorical responses to numeric values
impact_mapping <- c(
"Much lower" = 1,
"Lower" = 2,
"Neutral" = 3,
"Higher" = 4,
"Much Higher" = 5
data <- data %>%
mutate(across(all_of(impact_columns), ~ impact_mapping[as.character(.)]))
# Calculate mean impact scores for each area
mean_impact_scores <- data %>%
summarise(across(all_of(impact_columns), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
cols = everything(),
names_to = "ImpactArea",
values_to = "MeanScore"
# Print mean impact scores to check for anomalies
# Bar plot of the mean impact scores
aes(x = ImpactArea, y = MeanScore, fill = ImpactArea)
) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
title = "Mean Impact of Generative AI
on Different Areas of Work",
x = "Impact Area",
y = "Mean Impact Score
1 = Much lower
5 = Much Higher"
) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 5), breaks = 1:5)
# Here's the boxplot
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
impact_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(impact_columns),
names_to = "ImpactArea",
values_to = "ImpactScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in ImpactScore
impact_long <- impact_long %>%
# Box plot of the impact of Generative AI on different areas
ggplot(impact_long, aes(x = ImpactArea, y = ImpactScore, fill = ImpactArea)) +
geom_boxplot() +
title = "Impact of Generative AI
on Different Areas of Work",
x = "Impact Area",
y = "Impact Score
1 = Much lower
5 = Much Higher"
) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1, 5), breaks = 1:5)
# A tibble: 4 x 2 ImpactArea MeanScore <chr> <dbl> 1 Efficiency? 3.97 2 Quality? 3.08 3 Enjoyment? 3.46 4 Creativity? 3.33
Impact of Generative AI on Different Areas by Lead Role¶
In [ ]:
# Reset to source data
data <- read_excel(file_path)
data <- data %>%
~ impact_mapping[as.character(.)]
# Pivot the data to a long format for ggplot2
impact_long <- data %>%
cols = all_of(impact_columns),
names_to = "ImpactArea",
values_to = "ImpactScore"
# Remove rows with NA values in ImpactScore or LeadRole
impact_long <- impact_long %>%
filter(!, !`Are you in a lead role?`))
# Calculate mean impact scores for each area and role
mean_impact_scores_by_role <- impact_long %>%
group_by(ImpactArea, `Are you in a lead role?`) %>%
MeanScore = mean(ImpactScore, na.rm = TRUE),
SE = sd(ImpactScore, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n()),
.groups = "drop"
# Rename the role column for better readability
colnames(mean_impact_scores_by_role)[2] <- "LeadRole"
# Print mean impact scores by role to check for anomalies
# Bar plot with error bars side by side
barplot <- ggplot(
x = ImpactArea,
y = MeanScore,
fill = LeadRole
) +
stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
ymin = MeanScore - SE,
ymax = MeanScore + SE
width = 0.2,
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Mean Impact of Generative AI
on Different Areas by Lead Role",
x = "Impact Area",
y = "Mean Impact Score
1 = Much lower
5 = Much Higher"
# Box plot of the impact of Generative AI on different areas by lead role
boxplot <- ggplot(
x = ImpactArea,
y = ImpactScore,
fill = `Are you in a lead role?`
) +
position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)
) +
title = "Impact of Generative AI
on Different Areas by Lead Role",
x = "Impact Area",
y = "Impact Score
1 = Much lower
5 = Much Higher"
# Print the plots
# A tibble: 8 x 4 ImpactArea LeadRole MeanScore SE <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> 1 Creativity? No 3.39 0.244 2 Creativity? Yes 3.04 0.236 3 Efficiency? No 4.06 0.262 4 Efficiency? Yes 3.96 0.189 5 Enjoyment? No 3 0.313 6 Enjoyment? Yes 3.26 0.211 7 Quality? No 3.17 0.305 8 Quality? Yes 2.74 0.189